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© 2023 Created and Designed: Nicola Lanci.

VAT: IT02778190690 | info@nicolalanci.com


The audio and video on this site have been authorized by clients and project managers

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Ad Maiora!

Tomorrow I'll be what I choose to be today. Today I am what I chose to be yesterday. 

(James Joyce)

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About Me

My name is Nicola, born in ’87, and I am an actor, voice actor, radio speaker and advertising speaker.
I was born with a passion for voice acting and speakering, since I was a child I spent my days with old tape recorders and had fun announcing songs, recording commercials and telling stories.


I “launched” (Lanciato in italian) myself into the gratifying path of theatre and music, achieving great results and living experiences useful for personal and artistic growth.

Already at the age of 20 I approached the world of dubbing thanks to a small local production, specialized in documentaries, e-learning and event presentations. From there I continued with live readings and recording of small local commercials.

These experiences fascinated me so much that I made a decision: I will work with my voice!

It was not at all easy: I thoroughly analyzed what my limits were and worked hard to overcome them: diction, professional theatre, internships, dubbing courses, experiences in innovative and emerging realities (web radio), hard work, sweat, technical preparation and a lot of determination, interpretative reading, presentations, until I got to experience firsthand (and test with my voice), what the environments of professional dubbing are like.

nicola lanci voice talent
nicola lanci, speaker

​This is my job!

nicola lanci - foto
nicola lanci - musica
vocal booth

I have a baritone voice, capable of switching from warm and mature to fresher and more youthful tones, very versatile and adaptable to any context.
During my “musical years” I had the opportunity to work side by side with several service companies, some very valid, able to put aside the prejudice against me (I represented their “natural enemy”, the guitarist), and show me at my best the operation of compressors, equalizers, preamplifiers, which, when set at their best, managed to obtain a spectacular sound even from an inexpensive guitar and microphone.
I have put all these skills acquired over the years into practice in my field and in my work, managing to provide high-quality material, complete mix and master services and possibly video editing and subtitling, all to maintain a high standard and achieve 100% satisfaction of my clients and collaborators!

My “baggage” is at your disposal, even with remote directions through the main platforms...

Contact me for more information...
Thank you!

My Curriculum Vitae

Read my Blog


Il Pippone Tecnico Ep. 2 - La Magia dell'Auto-Mix! Come trattare l'audio con un Click?
Pippone Tecnico, Editing audio, Registrazione audio, Intelligenza artificiale, voice over, Auto-Mix, Trattamento audio, Focusrite FAST, iZotope Neutron, Accusonus ERA, Catena audio, Audio professionale, Plug-in audio, Compressore, Equalizzatore, Limiter, Noise Gate, Preamplificatore, Audio RAW, Normalizzazione audio, Sound engineer,

Il Pippone Tecnico Ep. 2 - La Magia dell'Auto-Mix! Come trattare l'audio con un Click?

Nicola Lanci

2025-02-08 18:30

Un click e via? Prove Pratiche su Focusrite FAST, iZotophe Neutron 4 ed ERA Accusonus!

La fabbrica di guanti... A Voice Talent Carol
Evoluzione umana, Sopravvivenza delle specie, Armonia naturale, Progresso tecnologico, Intelligenza artificiale, Lavoro futuro, Automazione, Rivoluzione digitale, Nuove competenze, Storia dell'evoluzione, Sfidare la natura, Riflessioni sociali, Futuro del lavoro, Impatto tecnologico, Mutazioni sociali, voice over, a christmas carol,

La fabbrica di guanti... A Voice Talent Carol

Nicola Lanci

2025-02-08 17:33

Evoluzione... Aria iniziale di un'opera infinita suonata da Madre Natura in persona...Da tempo immemore, piccoli organismi si sono adattati per far fronte a n

Il Pippone Tecnico Episodio 1 - Monitoraggio diretto dell'input da una scheda audio
Pippone Tecnico, pippone tecnico, Monitoraggio audio, Scheda audio DSP, Registrazioni vocali Home Studio, DAW con monitoraggio diretto, Effetti audio in tempo reale, Setup Home Studio, Audio processing, Editing audio, Registrazione audio, Scheda audio senza DSP, Monitoraggio effetti in tempo reale,

Il Pippone Tecnico Episodio 1 - Monitoraggio diretto dell'input da una scheda audio

Nicola Lanci

2025-02-07 14:14

Il Monitoraggio diretto dell'input con effetti da una scheda audio in alcune DAW Con pratici esempi e spiegazioni approssimative! Eccoci...

Contact Me

Nicola Lanci Voice Over Services
Possiamo parlare in Italiano
We can talk in English
Podemos hablar en Español

Nicola Lanci

Via Giovanni Calabrò, 15

66034 - Lanciano (CH)

Whatsapp: +393276949261


P. IVA 02778190690

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